Structure Is a data type to store a group of data with various of data type. Structure Declaration 1. struct name_structure { dataType1 name_field1; dataType2 name_field2; … } name_variable_structure ; 2. struct name_structure name_variable_structure; Accessing Structure Element of a structure can be accessed using dot operator struct mhs { char nim[9]; char name[26]; float gpa; }; int main (){ struct mhs lia; gets(; } Structure Initialization Syntax: struct struct_name variable = {value_1, …, value_m}; struct employee info = {1,"B. Smith"}; Array of Structure Structure data type can only contain one record. But real world problem needs group of records. So it's a structure inside a structure. Example: struct Dob { int date, month, year; }; struct Account { int accountNo...